Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happy Spring!!

I decided to welcome in Spring yesterday adn I got this idea to clear away some viney greenery things outside our house and create my own flower patch.  So Kurtis dug in first(so I didn't get bitten by spiders, of course)and attacked to foilage, then I came in and planted my pretty petunias!  I love it! its a small piece of home for me, tradition you could say.  Every spring me and mom go and purchase TONS of flowers and decorate the yard until it almost disappears behind the colorful array of flowers.  I came out last night and this morning already about 10 times just to look at them.  Nature sure is majestic and brings such joy to my heart.


brooke allred said...

I totally love it!! I need your email so I can invite you to my blog! I can't wait till I can have a yard and a flower garden!! How fun! It was good to see you at the hair show! Let me know when you want to get together for our little outing!

Carly & Jesse said...

come home!! we miss you guys! Hope you are having a blast!

the coltons said...
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the coltons said...

melanie - sorry i deleted my comment - but this is erin (& weston) colton! i found you through asia's, then melanie's blogs. hope it's okay i added you. we are at you are adorable as always and it's fun to see what you're up to. keep in touch!